
Thank you for visiting this online home of our chastity support group here in San Diego.  We are a group of dedicated Christian parishioners in the Catholic Church that have chosen to live pure lives.  Together we support one another through prayer, as accountability partners, and in group meetings where we give one another advice on how to overcome any compulsive behaviors and live as the people we want to be, and God intends us to be.

What is chastity?  It is a virtue, freely given by God as a gift to people, “that moderates the desire for sexual pleasure according to the principles of faith and right reason.”

In the Christian view, chastity signifies spiritual energy; capable of defending love
from the perils of selfishness and aggressiveness, and able to advance love to its full realization.

-Pope Saint John Paul II,
Familiaris Consortio

Living a chaste life may seem like an impossibility.  But it is a very real possibility that is being lived out by the senior members of our group, who have overcome terrible addictions and deeply rooted emotional injuries.  Those of us who are still working toward total temperance, will sometimes fall time and time again.  But God is always there to pick us up, to comfort us and to lead us in the right directions.

For God delivered all to disobedience, that He might have mercy on all.

-Romans 11:32

Our misguided contemporary culture teaches that sexual immoderation is healthy.  But for those of us with broken hearts, which have been broken more times than we can count — for those of us who feel empty, used, and defeated whenever we live according to these modern cultural ‘norms,’  the truth is the opposite.  Because we have found tremendous tranquility in unshackling ourselves from the constant cravings with which our addictions have burdened us.   We have found peace and freedom.  Some of us have saved our marriages.  Some of us have beaten back depression.  It is a wonderful and healthy place we have discovered.  And we wish to show you how to get there too.

So please explore this new web site as we add content.  And please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you have or for support.  ALL are welcome.  We are here to help.

In Christ,

– Paul & The SD Chastity Team